Just a quick update on some things that I've been up to this past month.
1) New Shop!
I opened up a new online shop! You can check it out over
here. I've got copies of the first print collection of
Darcy Cheyne Werewolf Hunter, my angsty teenage comic
Rage Forever, and some other stuff too! So give it a look, and maybe even consider buying something if you feel like it! It's a pretty cool way to help support me if you like the stuff I do. And try to keep an eye on that space in general, as my hope is to continue to add new stuff to it over time.
2) Comic Reviews!
Comic reviewer Rob Clough put up a
pretty cool review of some of my recent work on his blog recently, as part of his month-long "30 Days of CCS" series. Rob has some really nice things to say in the review, and I am incredibly grateful for him taking the time to write it all down.
3) Edwitch Archive Back Online!
And finally, I spent a couple days a few weeks back putting the archive for my old webcomic,
Edwitch, back online. You can now read the whole thing online
here, from now on hopefully through to eternity. I've written about Edwitch on this blog
before, and a lot of the stuff I wrote then still rings true. Some parts of it feel a bit hard to look at now, but I do like the idea of keeping it online for posterity's sake. At the very least I think it's neat to be able to look back on as a form of context for the stuff I'm producing now. So I'm glad it's back online for that.