enjoyed the previous parts of the series so far. This last one focuses on my sketches from London, Paris, and a couple of different airplanes in between.

I think Paris was probably my favourite part of the trip overall. Above, you can see me livin' it up with some fresh bread, a glass of beer, a bowl of French onion soup and some escargot. Surely this is the best of all possible worlds! Then on the plane ride back we watched "The Lucky One." Which was, you know... horrible...

Overall Europe was a frickin' blast, and I definitely want to return to spend a bit more time at some of the places we visited some day. Because I am a huge nerd, however, I think at the end of the day one of the things I remained most excited about on the trip was the fact that it afforded me a chance to pick up a butt-ton of...

Like seriously, oh man you guys! I grabbed some Moebius, a couple of early collections of Blutch's work, a sketchbook collection of this guy Guillaume Guerse, and the third album of Christoph Blain's Gus and His Gang which hasn't been printed in English yet and is frickin' amazing! *drool* Never have I been so happy
to be bilingual than when walking through a beautiful French comic shop in the middle of Paris. So watch out Europe! I will return one day to raid your stores
of Franco-Belgian comics yet again!!